This SnapShots in Akiba site
has some anime, game, or seiyuu related snapshots
taken while walking around in the Akihabara area.
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2015-10-04 | ||
On October 4, the Dengeki Bunko Aki no Saiten 2015 event took place at Bellesalle Akihabara an UDX Square. There were several cosplay companions but photos weren't allowed at Bellesalle this year.
There was a stamp rally at three locations, and those who went to all three received a small shitajiki (hard plastic writing board).
There were character pops, figure displays, and lots of artwork on the second floor
There were life sized figures of Kirito and Asuna.
On the first floor, there were booths selling goods.
There was a display at Sega showing the ufo catcher figures that were going to be released in the future.
2015-10-03 |
2015-10-05 |
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