Ogura Yui "Happy Jam"
At the beginning of January, there was a display for the live DVD/bluray by Ogura Yui on the 4th floor of Gamers.
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Star Wars
Starting in December 2015, there were various Star Wars related advertisements in Akihabara.
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Uesaka Sumire tapestry at Radio Kaikan
In January 2016, there was a large tapestry hanging on the wall of the Radio Kaikan building for the CD by Uesaka Sumire.
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War Gaming campaign
At the end of December and early January, there was a War Gaming collaboration campaign with World of Tanks, Girls and Panzer, World of Warship, and Ars Nova at many computer shops in Akihabara.
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Hidan no Aria @Gamers
Between December 24 and January 11, there was a special corner for Hidan no Aria AA (Aria the Scarlet Ammo Double A) on the 3rd floor of Gamers.
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Gochi Usa @Atre
In December 2015 and the beginning of January 2016, there was a Gochuumon ha Usagi desuka collaboration at Atre Akihabara.
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