Aokana clear file event
On November 28, there was an event at Animate where a cosplayer passed out clear files for Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm.
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Gochi Usa clear files @Sega
Starting November 27, they started passing out clear files for Gohuumon ha Usagi desuka at the Sega Game Centers.
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Mimori Suzuko Fun Fun Fantasic Funfair
At the end of November there was an advertisement at the entrance of Gamers for the live DVD/BD by Mimori Suzuko.
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Wao-Wao Powerful Day
On November 25, the first of the School Idol Festival collaboration singles by the Love Live subgroups went on sale. The first CD was by the subgroup Printemps.
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Madoka Magica campaign @Sega
The Madoka Magica campaign at the Sega Game centers began on November 21 and will last until December 6.
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Shining Heroines Museum @Gamers
Between November 20 and 30, there was a museum for Shining Heroines on the 7th floor of Gamers.
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Ankoku Kishi wo Nugasanaide @Gamers
On November 21, there was an event for the novel "Ankoku Kishi wo Nugasanaide" at Gamers.
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Mimori Suzuko outfit exhibit @Animate
Between November 14 and 29, there was an exhibit of Mimori Suzuko's outfit at Animate.
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